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November 20 at 12.00 the opening of a photo exhibition by Valery Pavlov "People Sviyazhsk"

November 20 at 12.00 in the exhibition hall of the "old water tower" photo exhibition of the photographer-artist Valery Pavlov "People Sviyazhsk"

Valery G. Pavlov (born in 1953, Kazan) - a professional photographer, lives and works in Kazan. Member of the Union of Photographers of Russia and the Russian Union of Journalists, the chairman of the regional branch of the Union of Photographers of Russia in the Republic of Tatarstan (since 1991).

He has participated in exhibitions in Russia, Finland, France, the USA, Canada, Italy and other countries. Personal exhibition in 1993 in Kazan (seventeen exhibitions).

Creative way VG Pavlov noted professional awards: Silver Medal Exhibition of Economic Achievements (ENEA) of the USSR, Medal of Padua (Italy), diplomas Interphoto, UNESCO Headquarters, and others.

In a diverse gallery of Sviyazhsk, created in the last decade of XX - beginning of XXI century, the work of Valery Pavlov occupy a worthy place to have an individual "handwriting"; documentary accuracy combined them with the psychological and inner expression.

The first photographs were made by VG Sviyazhsk Pavlov in his youth, in the late 1960s. When the reconstruction of the island-town, the author of the idea to make a series of photos of Sviyazhsk people in their old homes, as it was clear that the interior will soon go into the past disappear, that will change people's lives ...

This exhibition is part of a series of exhibitions "Sviyazhsk in the photos."

In 2016 in the exhibition halls of the Museum-Reserve in this cycle were the works of famous photographers Farid Gubaeva and Eugene Kanayeva.

The period of the exhibition: 20 November - 11 December 2016 Exhibition Hall "The old water tower" (Sviyazhsk, Christmas Lane) Opening hours: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday, 10.00 - 17.00; Saturday, 10.00 - 18.00.

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