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  • azesm88

New Year's events in Sviyazhsk.

1. «Entertainment music - play interactive program "Sviazhsky fun».

Description of the event: ancient games, fun pereplyas, singing songs and folk songs under the direction of folk group. Wonderful atmosphere of dialogue, joint participation of parents and children in the games contribute to closer convergence of different generations.

Venue: courtyard of the Museum of History of Sviyazhsk.

Dates: 2-7 January 2017

Time: 12.00 and 14.00.

Program duration: 30 minutes.

2. «Christmas carols on Sviazhsky earth». Description of the event: The ability to plunge into the atmosphere of ancient traditions, live communication with the natives of the island, familiarity with the local way of life and way of life, traditional caroling, a joint walk along the streets of Sviyazhsk, which ends at the Christmas Square ceremonial singing, dancing, presentation of souvenirs and festive tea party . All this leaves a lasting impression and gives a lot of positive emotions for both visitors and residents of the island-town of Sviyazhsk.

Venue: courtyard of the Museum of History and Sviyazhsk Sviyazhsk streets.

Dates: 3 and 6 January 2017

Time: 16.00.

Program duration: 1 hour.

3. New interactive program «The Tale of Nikita Sagittarius and Syuyumbike queen».

Description of the event: a fabulous view, which is attended by spectators themselves (without exception!), heroic fights; magic baton, jumping over huge rope; tug of war; team game "Capture the enemy flag"; warming refreshments (tea, cakes); competitions and riddles; archery and crossbow, flying on a broomstick; fire show (in the evening program 1, 2 and 7 January).

Venue: complex of historical reconstruction "Lazy Torzhok".

Dates: 1-10 January 2017

Time: 11.00, 13.00, 14.30, 16.00.

Program with fire show: 1, 2, 7 January at 16.00.

Duration of program: 1 hour.

Duration of the program with fire show: 1 hour 20 minutes.

Accepting applications: ostrov_gid@, 89870030747, 89172656547.

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