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January 19, the opening of the exhibition "Mission - revival", dedicated to the birthday o

January 19 in the opening room of the Museum of History of Sviyazhsk, the opening of the exhibition "Mission - revival", dedicated to the birthday of M.Sh. Shaimiev (b. January 20, 1937), the first President of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Republic of Tatarstan State Advisor, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the National Fund of Revival of monuments of history and culture of the Republic of Tatarstan.​

Mintimer Shaimiev - a native and resident of Tatarstan, an outstanding statesman and political figure, the first President of the Republic of Tatarstan (1991 -. 2010), the Republic of Tatarstan State Counsellor (since April 2010).

During his work as president of the republic has become one of the most successful regions of Russia, gained prestige in the field of international relations. Mintimer paid great attention to Tatarstan culture, preservation and continuity of historical and spiritual traditions of the multinational people of the republic, the development of museums. He has participated in the opening of the museum exhibitions in the cities and villages of Tatarstan, at the same time showed a keen interest in the heritage museum and a deep knowledge of history.

It is therefore quite natural that the next phase of its activities M.Sh. Shaimiev was the initiator, inspirer and leader of large-scale cultural project "Ancient Bulgarians - the island-town of Sviyazhsk". In February 2010, it was created National Restoration Fund historical and cultural monuments of the Republic of Tatarstan, Chairman of the Board of Trustees which is M.Sh. Shaimiev.

In just a few years (2010 -. 2016) Svijazhsk changed - carried out a huge amount of work on the restoration of historical monuments, raising the quality of life, the creation of a modern social infrastructure, organization of charitable activities. Sviyazhsk now - a dynamic museum-reserve and tourist center.

In order to achieve good results invaluable role and contribution of Mintimer Shaimiev, which are based on his understanding of the importance of this case: "You and I had the historic mission - to revive what we have to revive and pass it on to future generations. Restoration of the historic appearance of Bolgar and Sviyazhsk will be the biggest joint project of government, business, religious organizations and the general public, whose name - Renaissance ".

The exhibition includes photographs, documents and printed publications relating to the activities of the National Fund of Revival of monuments of history and culture of the Republic of Tatarstan and himself Mintimer Shaimiev memorabilia.

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