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Якорь 1
Cafe in Sviyazhsk

The restaurant " Traktir "

Number of seats - 100 people .

Direction cuisine - Russian , national, European .

The average cost of a complex dinner - 350 rubles

Booking Contacts: 8 ( 917 ) -892-92-37

Cafe " Buyan " , located on the square Nativity of the Virgin

Number of seats - 170 people .

Direction cuisine - Russian , European , national .

The average cost of a complex dinner - 350 rubles.

Booking Contacts: 8 ( 917 ) -859-98-26

"Monastyrskaya trapeznaya" , located in St. Sergius Church on the territory of the monastery of St. John the Baptist Number of seats - 90 people .

The direction of the kitchen - Russian .

The average cost of a complex dinner - 250-350 rubles.

Booking Contacts: 8 ( 987 ) -239-20-13


Historical cuisine " The Sword and the pitcher" *

Number of seats - 50

The average cost of a complex dinner - 300-350 rubles

Booking Contacts: 8 ( 905 ) -376-77-59

*summer cafe

Cafe "Sviyaga"

Number of seats - 40 people .

The direction of the kitchen - Russian .

The average cost of a complex dinner - 350 rubles

Booking Contacts: 8 ( 917 ) -859-98-26


ART - Cafe " Rybackoe podvorie" *

Number of seats - 45-60 people.

Direction cuisine - Russian , home , author .

The average cost of a complex dinner - from 300 rubles .

Booking Contacts: 8 ( 917 ) -249-79-09 ,

*summer cafe

Якорь 2
Hotels in Sviyazhsk

Hotel " Sviyaga "

The hotel has 7 rooms ( 4 doubles and 3 singles) , each of which bears the name of the local fish - " Bream " , "Pike" , "Sudak" , " Carp " , " Sturgeon " , " Ruff " and " Catfish " .

Facilities are located on the floor : a shower room and two bathrooms .

Each room includes satellite TV, refrigerator .

Future guests of one of the rooms for a surprise - there is an old oven .

Reservation Number 8 ( 906 ) 323-59-64 , ( 9.00 - 18.00 ) ,

The cost of a single room - 1000 rubles / day Double - 1500 rub / day .

Hotel " House of the merchant FT Kamenev "

Hotel recreates the atmosphere of the merchant's house . The furniture is made ​​to order.

Each room includes a color TV , fridge , bathroom (shower ) , toilet .

The hotel has 8 double rooms "standard" category , " Junior " , " luxury " .

It offers twenty-four hours service reception and accommodation , parking, room service, provision of household appliances .

Room Reservation : 8 ( 962 ) 559-37-12


Collegiate hotel " Dom palomnika "

 Room Reservation : 8 ( 917 ) 919-03-95

" Postoyalyi dvor " in the stable yard The inn tourist- ethnographic complex " Horse yard " - is a mini - hotel for two rooms : junior suites and suites with all the amenities , living room , air conditioning , satellite TV . Junior - . 3000 rubles / day Suite - 4000 rubles / day .

Room Reservation : 8 ( 917 ) -892-92-37

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